Men Adult Prison Ministry

“.. I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Matthew 25:36
Currently we are in three different institutions. They are Fraser Regional Correctional Centre in Maple Ridge, Ford Mountain Corrections in Chilliwack and North Fraser Pre-trial Centre in Coquitlam. We have a dedicated team of volunteers in each of this prisons that have a burden for lost souls. The men involved from Emmanuel church are:
*Wayne Patchett *Mino Pavlic *Steve Reynolds
*Corneliu Sandru *David Chaney *Serge Peloquin
We also have three men from other churches involved and they are
*Terry Young *Russell Garrett *Renan Marroquin
We are in one of this prisons each sunday except the third sunday of the month. With a team of men giving testimonies, playing intruments, singing and then preaching the word of God, many men come to the altar lifting their hands, crying to God and praying at the end of service. We need more liberty at the prisons to pray men throgh to the Holy Ghost and to baptize them in “Jesus name” so please pray and fast for prison ministry. “You become part of prison ministry when you pray and fast with us.” Thank you and God bless you
Bro. Bosley
Bro. Patchett
Bro. Pavlic